Msdiiaa: Am I the Villian or the Vibe

A-Dub & msdiiaa Season 1 Episode 3

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Ever found yourself stuck in a group chat that's spiraled into a digital vortex of emojis, event planning, and endless notifications? Join Msdiiaa and A-Dub as we share our candid tales navigating the chaotic seas of group messaging. We reveal the secrets to maintaining sanity in a world where every social gathering or trip seems to spawn its own persistent ping. From the cherished laughs in a coaches' chat to the familial flood of messages that make us scramble for the 'mute' button, we dissect what makes or breaks our digital connections. Along the way, we unveil our personal cleanup tactics that help keep our phones—and minds—free from the clutter of conversational chaos.

On a more serious note, we're opening up the dialogue on the sensitive topic of financial transparency during group travels. Anyone who's ever planned a trip with friends knows the unease that creeps in when budgets are brushed under the rug. We're having a heart-to-heart on the uncomfortable truths of monetary mismatches and the collective sigh of relief when everyone is upfront about their finances. Learn why opting out might just be the kindest thing you can do for yourself and the group, and how to savor the joys of journeying together without breaking the bank. So, tune in, take note, and transform your next group adventure into a saga of shared success, not stress.

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hello and welcome back to another episode of take me out the group chat. I am msdiiaa and I am Adub. Today's episode will be about me, msdiiaa and I don't know. However, I feel about group chats.


Yeah, I feel like we gave a little history of group chat, our uninformed, unresearched report of group chat. So what do you like about a group chat?


I don't think I like nor dislike group chats. I just feel like it has to serve a purpose, like where are we going? Are we traveling somewhere? Oh, is it a family event? Christmas, we're doing Secret Santa, we're doing this, we're doing that. All right, cool. That makes more sense to me than us sending messages all day long, because who has the time of the day to really interact in a group chat? Because I do not.


Do you have a favorite group chat right now, and is it like family? friends?


yeah, I guess one of my coaches


wait, wait, explain a little more why is that okay?


so in a previous episode I had made mention of the group chats that I have. At the time I only had two coaches chats, oh wow, there's a chat outside the chat.


Outside the chat. Yes, so now there is a third coaches chat and the third coaches chat consists of myself and a couple other coaches. Um, primarily because we kind of coach the same disciplines and that's kind of how that started, and we also did like pre-season club coaching together. They remind me of like younger siblings and that coaches chat is business and jokes at the same time. They be with the shits, like if I have something to say and I'm the only girl in that chat. So so they be. They be with all my shenanigans or like they co-sign. The gifs are usually on point, it's right, it's just a good time. So that would be my favorite group chat right now.


You have like four or five at that time for that episode.


Yeah, um, yeah. At the time I had, I think, the family chat, my family chat two coaches chats and the godparents chat. I believe that was what I had at that time.


Um, we have like a cousin's chat, but we kind of I don't have that oh yes, I don't, yeah, I don't have that chat.


Um, because I've- I be deleting chats because I'm one of. Actually, I do have a. I don't really feel like it's a cousin's chat because you and your sister and her wife are like my siblings almost. So I mean, I guess like I'm I'm technically the only cousin in that chat. That's so yeah, um, I have like that would be like a cousin in that chat. So, um, I have like that would be like a cousin sibling chat. Yeah, I have one of those. I actually don't have the big family chat anymore. Um, just for space purposes, I have an iPhone and my iCloud be like you don't have enough space and I'm like, well, I'm not getting a new phone right now and I'm not paying for extra space, so let me just get rid of all the things that serve me no purpose at this time. I'll probably go through and do another cleanse within the week, but yeah.


So what is your least ?


Out of the ones I have, or of the ones I had? Both. My least favorite group chat in all capacities is family chat. My mom, us, our siblings and their spouses take me out of it immediately. I don't want any parts of it. I love- If y'all are listening, I love y'all dearly. I don't think that that is a surprise to anybody that I don't like that chat. I don't even think y'all like that chat. Let's keep it a buck here. But that is my least favorite chat.


We already know I'm not a big fan of group chats anyway-


We have birthdays coming up. There's some milestones this year, we have birthdays coming up, so I'm pretty sure a message will be coming soon. Yeah, but the least favorite chat I have in my phone right now, it's going to have to be the big coaches chat I have like with all the coaches, because it gets overwhelming at times. It's a lot of information and I feel like some of the information is information that could have been sent in an email. It's information that could have been discussed at practice, like I just saw y'all an hour ago and now I'm at home and I have 25 messages over stuff that we should have talked about before how many people are in that group.


chat give or take I don't know, maybe between 9 and 12 people are in that chat I'll just say that that's still a lot of personalities in one room.


I like to say, yeah, different communication styles and for me I'm just like all sometimes those messages will start early. They were between 5 to 6.30 am, so like right before maybe school starts for those that are at the school, and then sometimes we'll end practice around 5 pm, so I'll get a message around 6.30, anytime between 6.30 and maybe 9. It's just unnecessary to me. But hey, I mean, if there's important information that wasn't discussed, then send the text.


That point alone. Right there, I'm sleeping still at 5.


See, I'm up, I'm working, I'm trying to get my brain power together and work all the things I need. I won't say that I'm angry. I'm blessed that I have a job, but I'd be like it's Monday, let me wake up, because I'm barely awake to work. So, yeah, that is probably my least favorite. And then I have another one with work folks that are friends without giving it away. So I've been with the same company for a long time. I've met a lot of amazing people. Um, this work not that this work chat has people from an area that is not where I currently live, or people I work with.


So it's more of a couple of us be minding our business and then somebody will come in and they need a vent and I'm cool with being that safe space, but, like, does it stop? Like when does the conversation shift? Cause I'm cool with being the sounding board for a period of time, but if the conversation doesn't evolve or elevate into something else, cause we have more to discuss than work stuff.


You have a life outside of work


Yeah, There's other things we could discuss. What's going on in your world? What's going on in your life? That type of stuff it doesn't get there. It's usually things that are horrible. And then I'm just like oh okay, well, I'm doing great. My daughter is, you know, she's getting bigger.


Right, it's when you try to do the awkward change. Let's change the subject, the topic of like work. It can dominate everything, the conversation, to the point where you're just like I was not thinking about these people. I, I have life outside of this job and so I have an interest in what else is going on with you, because if all we could talk about is work, then why are we hanging out? Cause we could do this at work and get paid for it right and so I am with the


mean you need people at work that know what you're dealing with or can relate, but again, at the same time, like we related, let's move past it. Oh, you're still upset about it, yeah, okay, well, I'm gonna let you settle in your upset and anger, and you can call it not being self-aware or having emotional intelligence if you want to, but like, I feel like for me that is being self-aware and having emotional intelligence, because I know, like, what I want to keep talking about. I'm cool with talking about work to a degree.


If our whole text conversation is about work. I'm going to mute that shit. No, seriously, because there's nothing more I can say. That is going to keep me interested in what's happening, especially if I already had a crazy day at work. I don't want to talk about it. The people, let's talk about something else. We are real life friends. We know each other's family, we know each other's children. We have other things to discuss.


No, seriously, I've started doing this thing where if I need to vent to a person at work or even family, I go. Do you have the mental capacity right now to handle what I have to vent about? And if you don't, I'm okay with that, we can move on. It's cool because I've actually had people go yeah, I'm good, let's go. Or you know what? No, I'm busy right now, or I don't. So can we table this or come back to it? I don't get a lot of people who ask me that or come back to it. I don't get a lot of people who ask me that, but I try to do that because I saw something where it was like you just immediately going into vent mode with someone. They may not have this energy to deal with your stuff because they're dealing with other stuff.


That's totally fine, I want to respect your boundaries and I want to make sure that you are in a space before I just pour everything onto you and, like you said, like it's not reciprocated a lot, um. So I like to try to make sure that I at least give people that respect or like that leeway or that pathway to say, no friend, like't, like I can't, or yeah, sure I got you.


So, yeah, the group chat, the the work group chat, is your lease right now, just because of the extraness it's really the coach's chat, but I you know, between those two well, and that's kind of like work as well in your capacity yeah, absolutely. The actual work, but not for like 5 am. I don't care if you're up.


I have my phone, like I have focus modes for my phone and my do not disturb focus goes off at five. So anybody that's in like my favorites can reach me. Like there's no guarantee I'm going to wake up if you text me but those messages will come through If you're not on my favorites. I won't see it until it goes off, or if I decide I'm going to check my phone. If I have to use the restroom in the middle of the night but it goes off at five, I'm considering pushing it further back to at least six or seven.


Yeah, I would, if you have people texting nonsense at five.


Yeah, so that's the only thing because I'm like I'm up, sure I can choose to respond. There's 11 other coaches, or however many coaches, on the chat that can respond. I'll respond when I get to it.


That's funny okay, we're creating your top five, we're creating your perfect chat, and it can be more than five people, but who in your world you would have the perfect?


So, without saying names, I'll give like code words call your mate, okay, my cookie lady, you. Oh, I made the cut. We said five, uh-huh. Um, let me look at my phone real quick. I wanna add like my curly hair friend, okay, oh, she's not particularly my friend, but when I've hung out with this individual, with a friend, friend's lawyer, friend, so that would be a group chat that I would be a part of my college roommate, my cookie lady you my curly hair friend and lawyer friend.


And the topic of discussion. I think anything can be discussed in that actual chat. But that would be a group I would plan a trip with and that would get out of the group chat. That trip would make it out of the group chat. Everybody would get along, people would be relatable, it would be a lot of laughing. People can get serious. Yeah, it would be straight vibes there would be there's foodie vibes, there's let's do stuff vibes, there's a nap might be necessary or like we don't always have to be in a group oh you want to stay here, oh y'all want to go venture off.


Nobody would be upset with that trip. Everybody would get what they need out of that group. I like trips like that, where I can take a nap and still have a good time.


I feel like naps should be a requirement on a trip. If we cannot take a nap, then why are we on this trip? And I know people say you could nap at home, but it is a lot of energy traveling and dealing with people.


I agree, but there are times when you want to say, fuck it, I don't need a nap, I can just go with the vibes, and the vibes are going to carry me. But if there are people in the group that need a nap, go take a nap, and I'm cool with that too. I feel like naps are necessary. If you need your rest, do it, because I know I'm going to get the best version of you, just like you might get the best version of me.


Yes, I love a good nap, but also, if we doing things, I'm doing things, my energy is is gonna be there while we're doing the things


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--tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">disney</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="66" data-key="3866,904. 472" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">,</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="67" data-key="3867 904. 472" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="68" data-key="3868lego904. 492" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">lego</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="69" data-key="3869 904. 813" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="70" data-key="3870land904. 873" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">land</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="71" data-key="3871,905. 314" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">,</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="72" data-key="3872 905. 314" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="73" data-key="3873super905. 474" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">super</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="74" data-key="3874 905. 715" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="75" data-key="3875mario905. 735" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">mario</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="76" data-key="3876 906. 176" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="77" data-key="3877world906. 216" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">world</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="78" data-key="3878,906. 697" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">,</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="79" data-key="3879 906. 697" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="80" data-key="3880any906. 877" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">any</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="81" data-key="3881 907. 098" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="82" data-key="3882place907. 158" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">place</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="83" data-key="3883 907. 458" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="84" data-key="3884that907. 478" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">that</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="85" data-key="3885 907. 619" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="86" data-key="3886has907. 699" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">has</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="87" data-key="3887 907. 939" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="88" data-key="3888an907. 979" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">an</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="89" data-key="3889 908. 04" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="90" data-key="3890amusement908. 08" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">amusement</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="91" data-key="3891 908. 561" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);"> </span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element fadingHighlightedWord" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="92" data-key="3892park908. 601" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">park</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="93" data-key="3893. 909. 162" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);">.</span><span data-v-ddf6351a="" class="transcript-element" data-mindex="38" data-eindex="94" data-key="3894 909. 162" style="--tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,. 5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 253);" amp;mp;ap;am;amplt;/panIf you have no intentions on being there to close down the place, don't come with me. Or if you are and you need to sleep, I respect it. I'm not gonna go with you, but somebody else will. Yeah, um, so that's, yeah, that's yep, I like that.


I like your perfect five group chat. I like the topics. I feel like not just because I'm included in that, but that's a good one.


Well for traveling. It's hard to get a lot of trips out the group chat. I feel like people go into travel chats with all of the plans in the world. They know the dates, they know all the things, but then when it's time to actually execute it, it's like, oh, I don't have the funds, I don't have this, I don't have that, and I respect it. But at the end of the day, we discuss the dates, we discuss the times, we discuss all the things that lead up to it. Maybe you did and I know life happens Maybe people did have the funds and now you don't because life. But we got to you know take some accountability and and know, like, what our lives entail when we're planning these group trips. And for me, if I'm going to plan a trip with people, all right, cool, I'm gonna be ready.


And you're right, things happen. But there's sometimes when, if we have a whole year or a whole six months of planning something year or a whole six months of planning something it should not be a shock and a surprise that it's coming or it's going to cost. Now, if emergencies and things came up and you lost your job or something, I get that, but don't be in the group talking big things and adding to the plans and then, when time come, I'm the only one at the airport talking about well, I had a great time, like you know it's. Or can we alter all of the great plans to fit my budget?


I won't alter my great plans. But if you need to, just if you can only afford to stay in the room and chill, that's totally fine, Like I'm cool with. If you can only afford to stay in the room and chill, that's totally fine, Like I'm cool with it. If you just want to be there for the fellowship, I'm with it. I understand, but I'm still going to go and frolic.


I have been on trips with people that could not afford to do any of the excursions, which makes it awkward.


Don't have my black ass, hop on a plane, go, stay in a hotel for you to not be a part of anything, but anything that has to do with us being in the four walls of the room, for example. I know, if I go to california, there's a couple things I want to do. If I'm not going to disney, I want to go to randy's. I want to maybe go to a beach, simple. If I'm going to san diego, I'm going to the beach. Hands down, yeah, that's like, and that has nothing to do with being cheap, that's just what I like. It survives for me. If you tell me you can't go to the beach and the beach is free, we got a problem. That is a problem. Yeah, we have things to talk about. I'm going to give you the talk that Terrence Howard gave Pay digs and best man holiday. Ask you if you need help, because when you thought it was okay for you to come on this trip with no money.


I make sure I am not the grown adult out here penny pinching my funds to make sure I'm just there for the vibes.


Being a grown up, you have to know when, like again, I'm cool with if you don't have it, we could do free things. But like, if we're planning a trip, just say I don't, I don't have it, all right, cool, like you don't have it, maybe next. Like maybe next time. So for me, going and being there on the vibes alone, I'd rather just stay home. For that it has to make sense for me to go somewhere on vibe. So when I when I say like we gotta, we got a bigger conversation to have, because for me I think it's very irresponsible of someone just to go to either keep up with the joneses if your wallet says no, listen to your wallet, listen to, like what you have going on, because everybody's life is not the same. That's all I'm saying. No shade to the broke friend, because there's always a broke friend.


I've been a broke friend I was one of them.


I can be a broke friend sometimes, but I know my limits. I know when to say hey, friend, I can't do it.


Yeah, I'm just telling you, it does change the energy and make you feel some kind of way. There's some weird animosity. When they get back, the story in their head is like oh, they was out here doing the most and I, you know, da, da, da da. I'm not taking into consideration what I got going on, I'm not going to.


It is. It's not my responsibility, right? I'm not going to. It's not my responsibility, right? I'm not your babysitter.


I've been on the trips where it got awkward because there was at least one person who couldn't afford much. I've been the person, but I also knew how to say no. I got to pass on it. Y'all tell me how it was. I didn't go on things that I couldn't afford just because I'm not going to be sitting on this trip having fun spending money I don't have worrying about. Can I afford this trip?


But then also can I afford life when I go home. No, I'm going to have to say no, I don't have it right now and I'm not going to go into debt trying to keep up with y'all vacationing. Hit me, see me next time, I'll be there.


I just tell people post lots of pictures or send me the photos so I can, you know, see how everything is.


I'm also not like a hater friend, like I want you to travel and live life and enjoy the world.


And if I can't do it, hopefully next trip I will be financially able to do that, cause, like I said, I've been on both sides. I've been on the side where I'm the broke friend, um, and I've been on the side of I got it and I'm going to, I'm going to spend it. But I also don't like being the one that's traveling and I got it and I I know that you don't have it and you keep reminding me that you don't have it when I'm specifically telling you I got you. If I have to keep telling you I got you, then I don't got you anymore, right, and you just shouldn't have came on the trip. But I also don't like, in a sense like, yeah, I don't even know. I don't even know what I'm. I know what I'm looking to say, but I don't want to make anybody feel bad, which I probably have said a lot of things that people are going to feel indifferent about. I'm going to be the villain in the story and that's fine.


We're always the villain in somebody's story.


Yeah, that's fine, but yeah, don't count the money in my wallet. If you're the friend, the broke friend, don't count my money and what's in my wallet.


Don't tell me how expensive something is, because nine times out of 10, I didn't ask you If I got you. I got you, if not, I don't. I know we've been on trips and I'm like, girl, you about to buy this for my kid. This thing is $12. You'd be like that's okay, I'm like all right. You said it's okay, that's cool, I was going to get it for my kid, but you got it. I like cool, I'm going to let you get it, unless you spend $12 on the kid.


I got it next time, so that I mean, in that sense, I do that. But I'm like I'm not going to ask. You said you got it.


Say less Exactly, Put my little credit card back in my pocket I know Well, and that's me Like, if I'm being generous at that moment, I'm being generous like you didn't have to ask me, I'm just doing what I'm doing. It's not to brag, it's not to be like I got this because I don't got it like that, but I will feel like, yes, let's rock with it. I'm paying for it. Boom, you know, my friends can tell you we've been at restaurants and I'd be like one check. Boom, I got it. Like don't even question it. And it's like, oh, I got I. I didn't ask you that.


Oh, I will be that person on the trip who will be like, don't worry, I got it this time. Um, and I just feel like that's because there was a, there was a time it was just me. I've always been that way, way, but I also know how it felt when it was like dang, I was the broke broke one, and so to now, not be the broke broke one where I'm, I got a little extra in my pocket sometimes. I I like that not to be like, look, let me show off, but just to be like I'm just blessing you because I've been blessed in that sense. But that makes sense.


Yeah, and I feel like I'd answer, but I didn't answer your first question. So, going back to how we started the chat, you asked me if I particularly like group chat. I guess you could say yes, because I have all of the things that relate to group chat. I have Instagram, I have Snapchat. I don't use my Snapchat for real, I have all of the things that relate to group chat. I have Instagram. I have Snapchat. I don't use my Snapchat for real. I have Facebook.


I have.


WhatsApp text message thread, facetime. So yeah, I guess in a sense I do like group chat, but I don't necessarily know if I partake in the group chat directly. I think I do a lot of mine more indirectly because I'm a part of the chat, but I don't be in the chat.


I can see what's going on. I'm the lurker of the chat. I'm the one that doesn't say anything until it's my time to speak in the group chat, I guess. So, the lurker or the silent one in the group chat, I mean, yeah, they're cool. Do I prefer to be in them when it comes to my own actual phone messages? No, I kind of like more of a one-on-one setting. But that's just me. So, yeah, that's kind of my stance on group chat and we could just end it there.


Yeah, everything we do is essentially a group chat. Except for like one-on-one, so like work, email, group chat, social media, all of that. But that's cool. We got to know a little bit about Dia and her group chat. I just want to point it out that I also made the cut in the top five. So I will brag about that for a couple of days, but this concludes our episodes.


We thank you guys for listening. Hopefully you guys made it to the end of this. If you like what you're hearing, make sure you follow and continue listening and you can hear us on whatever podcasting service you stream podcasts on. And until next time, Bye guys.

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