A-Dub: Social Media Privacy and Navigating Dynamics of Family/Friend Chats

A-Dub & msdiiaa Season 1 Episode 2

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Navigating the complexities of group chats, especially within the context of family dynamics, can be likened to a maze where every turn presents a new challenge in communication and privacy. This topic is at the heart of our recent podcast episode, which takes listeners on a journey through the intricacies of group messaging, balancing digital dialogues, and setting boundaries to maintain harmony in our virtual interactions.Group chats have evolved from a mere convenience to a virtual space where we exchange ideas, share updates, and sometimes, unfortunately, become embroiled in disputes. In this episode, our hosts Msdiiaa and Adub candidly discuss their experiences with family group chats that quickly escalate into debates, and work threads that demand constant attention. Their insights provide listeners with relatable anecdotes and strategies for managing these digital dialogues effectively. In a world that's increasingly shifting towards online interaction, the episode emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between staying connected and preserving our sanity. The pandemic has reshaped how we engage with one another, making group chats a necessary, yet sometimes overwhelming, aspect of our daily lives. The hosts delve into their personal methods for maintaining peace, such as selectively sharing on Instagram stories to manage their online presence and avoiding the "public glare." One of the most relatable moments in the episode is the discussion around the desire for a mute button during relentless family group chat notifications. The hosts peel back the layers of the art of group messaging, offering a look into how they navigate these digital spaces while maintaining their boundaries. This conversation resonates with anyone who has ever found themselves in the middle of a chaotic group chat, seeking solace in silence or a strategic exit. The podcast also explores the notion of social media as a colossal group chat, where participation is voluntary, and the repetitive nature of online topics can become exhausting. Adub shares her cautious approach to social media, highlighting the significance of privacy and the selective nature of her online interactions. As the episode progresses, it becomes evident that group chats are more than just a means of communication; they are a reflection of our family dynamics and personal relationships. The hosts share their experiences with different types of group chats and the subjects they prefer to discuss, ranging from work-related issues to planning family events. They emphasize the role these digital gatherings play in fostering connections, underscoring the nuances of communication that occur within these spaces. Navigating the dynamics of group chats, requires a delicate balance. The hosts discuss their tactics for participating without becoming overwhelmed by constant notifications or drawn into unnecessary conflicts. They explore the challenges of discussing sensitive topics like money within group chats and how such conversations can quickly become awkward.As the episode concludes, Adub paints a vision of her ideal group chat – one that is enriching rather than draining. They share stories of their most cherished digital gatherings and how they've become essential in maintaining a balance between online interaction and real-life connections in the post-pandemic world. This podcast episode offers a deep dive into the digital dance of  boundaries, providing listeners with strategies for crafting harmony in the echo chamber of group chats. It serves as a guide for anyone looking to master the art of group messaging while keeping their virtual living rooms comfortable and their inboxes manageable.

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Welcome to the Take Me Out the Group Chat podcast. I am your co-host, Msdiiaa, and I'm here with my cousin and co-host, Adub. If you're here, thanks for joining us again for another episode. We're going to dive into Adub and her life being in and wanting to be taken out of group chats, what she likes about them, what she dislikes about them.


If there's a question that I'm not going to answer. I will say I plead the fifth. But I feel like we typically are truthful and answer each other's questions with no judgment. Maybe an ounce of judgment, but not enough to where we won't answer questions again.


I mean, I'd be judging, but I don't tell you I'd be judging.


Yeah, I think it's a safe space.


Now I will omit some things. Now in episode one you were explaining how group chat came to be for you, starting with the beepers and pay phones, and what it was primarily used for for you, three-way, et cetera. Now where you are with group chat, one thing that they don't know about you is you're actually kind of fairly new to the social media world.


I only have one real social media account. I don't do Facebook, Twitter or what is it now so thread or something like that. I don't have Snapchat. I don't have TikTok or any other social media account. I joined Instagram in 2020.


Okay, During the pandemic.


Nothing else to do. Exactly, I had no desire to be on Facebook. People would be like, well, you can keep in touch with people you went to high school with. And I said, well, I keep up with people I want to talk to from high school. I'm good on everybody else. And then it was like, well, the family stuff? I said y'all can tell me about the family stuff. And then also, too, when Facebook and stuff came out, you would hear so many stories about people getting caught up and in trouble and I was like I'm gonna stay out of trouble.


The other stuff, like Twitter and everything else. I just didn't have a desire. So I joined it because my best friend was like I'm joining this, at least join one with me. And I said I'll do Instagram because I feel I can control that a little bit better. And then, when I got into it, I've learned to put more stuff on my stories because it goes away as opposed to posting. I'm a selfie queen. I love taking a ton of selfies, but I don't post them a lot. They're for me Because when I have a good face day or a good hair day, I like to take a picture of it.


Sometimes I'll probably be like I'm going to post this somewhere. I rarely do. I am more private than I think some other people, and it has a lot to do, too, with the career path. So I made sure my social account is private and I don't follow a lot of family members. I don't follow a lot of family members. I don't follow a lot of friends, and vice versa. So, yes, I'm new to the social media game. I had MySpace for like 30 minutes and I was like I'm gonna join it and I got in there and I did all of the things and in 30 minutes I was like no, I deleted it and I never went back.


I don't know, it could be MySpace could be very overwhelming.


I think there was a Instagram trend and I was like I want to do this and could not figure for the life of me how to do it.


So I was like well, I guess I missed that trend, the trends that you see on Instagram. Would you classify that as being a part of some form of a group chat?


I feel like yes, especially when people post in their stories where it's like post a picture when you were 17 or where would you like to travel. That's the trend I can't figure out. So yeah, I think it is a form of group chat, would you say it is.


I think that social media is actually one large group chat that either people choose to partake in or choose not to partake in. I think it goes past the people that you follow or that follow you. If you post something, those trends are like chain emails or the chain text messages where, while you're not directly sending them to the people in the DMs, if you see it on their story, all you have to do is click the link and share your whatever with the world.


And then if people see your story they can choose to either follow suit or somebody else's story or whatever.


So, indirectly.


I think that is a form of a you know big world group that we're all just a part of you know partake in social media. There are some of those that I do, and then there's some that I'm just like all right, I also go back and forth on am I going to delete, am I going to keep it?


Because I've been known to delete a thing for months or years and not beyond. I didn't have Facebook for a long time. It wasn't until, I think, covid, I actually got back on Facebook, and the same with Instagram. It wasn't until I was pregnant with my daughter and I was just like, oh, I guess, I guess I'll let everybody know that.


I'm pregnant, even though I'm about to pop in three months. When I first got onto Instagram, it was like, does this person want to be a social influencer? And then I feel like there's topics that you keep seeing, like you're inundated with videos and stuff, and then you're just like I don't want to do this, no more. We'll talk about in future episodes about some of the hot topics that I can't stand and I'm so tired of the algorithm showing me it's going to keep.


the topics are going to keep coming up and people like us who are now new in the podcast world are probably going to talk about them, and it's going to keep going, and going and going, and it it's still gonna be one large yeah group chat. Pardon me right. All right, is there an aspect that you find favorable, or do you just like dislike at all?


no, I actually like a lot of the things like I get to be included. I think it's good to see people like family members you see their celebratory events and stuff like that or even with celebrities when you're like, oh, they posted their baby or oh, look at that, they got married or they got a new album coming out, or you know, I kind of like that. The comments sections is my favorite part.


And that's one big group chat that right there.


I live for comments in videos I live to. I will scroll down to see if someone has the same thought as I did and I will go like it. I laugh, I think. Sometimes I screenshot comments and send them to like you and be like it's these comments right here, like the video may not necessarily be that funny, but the comments I live for them. So I'm about the drama in the comments?


do you interact in the comments? Are you more of a bystander?


I am more of a bystander. Like I said, I will give a little heart to a comment. I have probably responded in the comment section, maybe once or twice. I feel like I'm getting more comfortable with like I'm just saying like these people don't know me, but then I also feel like there's somebody who's already said it, so I'm like that's why my little like is like me too. So, yeah, I live for the hilariousness People in this world who are funny. I'm always like the internet is always winning, because there's sometimes when people just taking things too serious, they want to be the experts of things and why did they post this?


and we know a few people like that, yeah it's like shut up, just keep it pushing, like, like you didn't have to watch, you didn't have to take the time to make a comment or follow, or follow, but you stay following this person so that you could stay. Everybody has follow I guess, I guess I do like there's aspects of it. There's even in regular group chats.


There are some good aspects to it so what are some of your favorite things about group chats? What are your? What are some of your favorite topics to discuss in a group chat? I feel like I asked that on my Instagram story and people was like crickets.


But the funny thing about Instagram is you can actually see the people that respond or watch, watch and I typically am not a watcher, but I just feel like I think I interact with a decent amount of people that I follow on Instagram. If a question is posed and if you have an answer, you can answer the question right. People are gonna do what they want to do and I respect it, but I don't think mine's as spicy as some other people's group chats.


I don't have like where you hear the stories about, like the girl group chat where they're talking about and they call in everybody's spouses by nicknames and laughing and sending pictures of people. I don't have one of those. A lot of my is like family trips, family get togethers, church business yeah, a lot of like friend gatherings and stuff like that, like hey, we're gonna go here, who wants to go? Kind of situation. Now we have had some family group chats that have gotten out of hand where I've had to tell people don't ever send me that, don't put me in a group chat saying dumb stuff like that.


Feel your your kind of way. Mine is like dry and it's not like juicy, juicy. I will say when you go to planning things and needing people to be included in the planning, I think that's where I go outside of the group to text people and be like WTF, let me say my piece before and then let me clean it up so I can say it in the group. Right, my piece before and then let me clean it up so I could say it in the group. Right, trying to avoid harming people's feelings so we can move the planning along. I feel like you say this a lot too. Is that um travel never gets out of the group.


It rarely gets out of the group chat and when it does, it can go one of two ways it can go great or it can go south, and on both sides of those a couple of different times. So with your group chats, do you have a favorite chat? You don't have to say who's in that chat, but do you have a favorite group chat, group that you like to chat with? And then, within group, what is your favorite thing to discuss? And it doesn't have to be like in detail, it could be something as simple as this is my favorite chat and what we like to talk about is we like?


to talk shit about men or whatever.


We like to talk about food spots, we like to talk about, you know, the vacation that we're going to take. So what is your, what is your favorite group chat? And then, what is your favorite thing to discuss in that group chat or in any group chat? But well, and I would say like, cause I feel like every group is different, so that's why I'm like what's your favorite one? And then, what do you like to talk about? Cause, I feel like there's, we have friends or whatever that we really really vibe with and we're like, all right, cool, I could tolerate, you know, a message or two from this group of people. And then we're talking about stuff I like.


All right, and it's juicy too, oh, okay cool.


Right. So I feel like, as a lot of people have moved away and pandemic really messed it up, where I don't have those group chats anymore, I feel like there was one group chat that I enjoyed was it was my friends from work. We would have a group chat and a lot of the times that group chat was where are we going to lunch, when are we going to happy hour? I can't stand blah, blah, blah. And that was fun. I feel like text messages with my bestie. It's just me and her.


I mean we all have those chats with, like one other specific individual that be lit. That now that one, so would you say, and this is not even a group chat setting. So if your conversations with your bestie like if you had to choose between your text messages with your besties getting out to the world or doing something I don't know, like dancing in public or whatever, like which which would you choose? Like, are you okay? Like if somebody found that chat.


Nope, I will dance in the public. I would time swear in a bikini at the rate I am right now that one cannot be released Okay.


Because the things that are said in that group, it'd be best friends, so just know like your husband or significant other, is very secure because the men are catching on to us and they are going into either the group chat or right, or you know going into that one chat with that one person that they know like that's her ride or die. So, man, make sure, make sure he's very secure.


So so me and the bestie now that's spicy, that and some stuff that it's like delete Upon my death, going in permanently delete and then trash the whole cell phone so no one can get it.


Kids are always listening, they already know. Yeah, do you have least favorite chat and what is your least favorite thing to discuss, either in that chat or in general?


I feel like the family group chat Least favorite.


Yes, is it all family chats or particular family chats? Is there a specific side of the family that you least prefer?


I feel like, or is it all equal? It's all equal when it comes to certain things. I got you. I feel like group chats are useful for providing information to the masses. So you're not sitting there because you know, back in the day we used to individually send a text message to each of the people. You want to invite it, and then you have this slew of text messaging, or you have. You have that. Oh, I forgot this person and I forgot that person. Where you, your, group chat, everybody gets the same information at the same time, but then everybody wants to respond back into that group chat and that is that it's annoying. Then it was like this back and forth stuff and I was like take me out this group chat now, so that would be a time when you're just like take me out the group chat now.


So that would be an opera, that would be a time when you're just like nah, take me out, I don't want to be a part of this Exiting combo. Right when you wish you had a leave chat button, I got you.


Because then you get to be like oh she's a grumpy grump, or she's the bully, she's the bully, she's the like control, and it's not, it's just it's energy that, no, that's not on the mother's side, because I am that one but I feel like that in chats, at a certain point you're like, no, thank you, and I also.


I'm that person who will leave my phone downstairs or in another room or a car and not realize I don't have my phone. So if you're looking for me to respond, like, there's sometimes where I'm like, oh, turning on the spot, I'm responding, responding, and then there's times where I'm like, oh, I totally forgot to respond to this because I was busy. I don't want to hear a crying story of, like my life sucks and can you come help me do x, y and z? I think I go crickets the most. Like you will not see a response from me in the group unless I have to, because I have that like get somebody else to do it mentality. But if I'm like, oh, I can help, I will actually text that person outside of the group to let them know, because I also feel like some people text in groups to just show, look at me.


But at that point I feel like there's a level of discernment that you have to have. And that's just not just in group chats. That's in life period.


So no, that's serious. Yeah, but I feel like there's some people who like to be like I help you out, I got you, you can count on me, I will do the things, but people don't need to know right that I got them like. I got you like. What is this you need? I got you no worries, I'm a let you need. I got you no worries, I'm a let me do it outside the group, like no one needs to know. Least favorite topic.


Money. Oh, I didn't know.


Money yeah my least favorite.


I don't know if I have those conversations. Yeah, if it gets into travel, then yeah, money is very much concerned with that.


Yeah, like traveling, like that's a planning, like what's our price point and everything else. And we know other people are balling on budgets and you know other people are struggling on their budget.


I feel like what you're saying is basically when that group chat turns into a GoFundMe account, or Correct Okay. It's a turns into a GoFundMe account, or a Correct Okay.


It's a. Does somebody got $80? So I can no, that's awkward. Yeah, so I think money, or I got this bill that needs to be paid, yeah.


I thought it had to be paid. But you know, times are hard, times are hard.


And I think if the person was to individually ask me hey, do you have, can you do you think you can loan me? I'll say yes or no, because I never loan out money. If I need it back, um, and I'll tell them yeah, I got you, I'll send it, boom, no problems, and I won't bring it up, I won't, I won't be in a group like hey. The other tip is when family members are beefing and then it gets like real dumb in the text. That's where I think I'm always like what the hell is going on, like what are we doing here when there's unnecessary beef and then they want to throw everybody in the pot of that?


I don't want that when they decide to Angela from why I Get Married, where she just basically aired out everybody like, oh well, because this is what's happened, boom boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.


Yes, yeah.


I feel like I might be a little bit of that. You're not talking about a group chat that I'm a part of.


No, I'm like, but I feel like I can do that that petty, yeah, but I feel like I've witnessed you go oh, let's put it out here boom, boom, boom, um. And I think sometimes we have to do that. I think sometimes we have to call out people, we have to, like, shut down the tomfoolery of what is said, I think in an area where everybody is.


Again, this conversation is going to come up until we actually have a conversation about it. But everybody's in there. I am self-aware, bag, or I am so much more emotionally intelligent than everyone, then everybody should have some form of awareness in the group chat, and if you don't, then this is not the place that you need to have it. Or we can all, instead of having this big text message chat, we can all just get together. But even with the getting together, the in-person chats, I'd be like I don't want to do this.


Now I feel like the in-person chats for real. Now I feel like the in-person chats for real. You have the energy of why are we here? I don't want to be here. This is dumb.


But it don't start like that. It does not start like that, but it goes back to if you think about family get-togethers, when it's like, oh, let's get together to plan something. If you can imagine that conversation in a group chat, yes, your response in person is the same way and you would probably like say I'm walking away from this and done and like exit me out of that group chat. And that's kind of how the family like get together conversations of what's hey, let's do this or should we, and it's like exit stage. So my response and those is I typically stay quiet, Like I stay quiet in the regular group chats on text messages. So if you know, so now you know, my behavior in a group text that I don't want to be a part of is more silence. That is how I am in the in-person group chats.


If you, if you recall, I go, just let me know, that's and that is how more of the middleman, non-confrontational person I don't think that I'm confrontational, but I feel like when it comes to a situation with family or any group chat I thought, if we're planning something, this is what we're coming here to do I'm cool with us talking about all of these outside things, but when we come together and we're talking in circles and then when we leave we know nothing. There's no clarity.


Like that's when I'm annoyed and I can feel myself being annoyed in the actual chat, because then it feels like it circles, because then there's always somebody that's listening, but they're really not listening. So then we've already discussed this one thing. We are circling back because this same person is asking the question that I thought was answered, but then, when I thought it was answered, everybody's like oh no, we didn't discuss this and I'm like what is this conversation for?


Make it make sense.


So that's when I get annoyed In the group chat. There are certain things I do get annoyed with in the group chat and I got plenty of examples and we're going to throw those down when it's my time, but it ain't my time right now. Right, it's about you, it's about me, so yeah.


Yeah, no, on my dad's side there's one particular person that I will text outside of the group text to vent my frustrations on it. It should be like I don't know, and she's a keep the peace kind of person. Now when she pops out she pops off, but she is the main keep the peace, we'll. We'll try to work it out and I'm just the like I'm. I'm gonna know I'm annoyed. So there's certain things. If it's not logical to me, it just is like, what are we doing here? It doesn't make sense and I do like things certain ways. I'm like why don't we do this?


but I find myself sometimes saying quiet because then I am oh, she's the bully or she's the know-it-all, or I just be like whatever, but then also like just let me know the date and the time, how much like I'm in that bag where I'm like I'm not worried about nothing, it's just me. Just give me the date, let me put it on my calendar, give me the time and I will prepare my budget accordingly to what's going on. I wouldn't mind the group chat. It's just like how and when people respond.


Like if someone puts out a response at, say, seven o'clock in the morning which I find is early sometimes because I am not a morning person you get a set of people who will respond between that seven to like 8.30 or nine o'clock time, which is appropriate.


Then you get the people who didn't see it at that time and then they want to respond around noon. Then you get a whole nother set of people who want to respond. Then you get the five o'clock hour people who want to respond and it's just like I don't want my phone binging throughout the time because I've had that happen and I've missed calls, actual important text messages that I needed to see, that I was waiting for a response and I've missed it, because I'm inundated with bing, bing, bing, bing, bing of like nonsense, right? So that's where the irritation goes and it's like y'all ain't got no job. Like I'm working, I can't and I know you can say, well, put it on silent or whatever. But again it goes back to I'm missing actual important text messages from people that I need to get information from, that's fair so that's where I think the irritation goes and, as I said before, my android leaves me being held hostage in certain situations.


Now we discovered that I can take myself out of the group chat if there are Android people, but I also can mute it, silence it, make it less priority where it doesn't come as a notification, but yeah. But then I also feel like if I do that, then there is information I'll need. So, like the one particular group chat on WhatsApp in the morning, I'm muted for eight hours and then by the time I'm ready to go home is when I get the messages and then I can go through and see what was important and what I need to respond to.


So you actually go through those messages, you don't just look at the last messages. I was sitting and finally respond.


Yeah, because there in that group, like there's been multiple conversations and so I need to like go back to like what's what pertains to what I need to know? Do I need to respond or check in my email telling someone, hey, I'm available during this time, or something like that.


So I got you yeah.


All right.


So got got some, got some fun stuff. Yeah, some fun stuff before we get off of of your episode. So we know that you're not a particular fan of a group chat, all right, and you don't have to name names, but you can in this instant, just because we're not talking about anything in particular, name your ideal group chat, the people that you would be cool with having. It could be five, it could be three, it could be two people, the people that you feel that would mesh well together. That, like out of all of the different, groups yes, out of the people.


So your ideal, your perfect group chat.


Okay, I feel like my bestie you because you and my bestie are cool One of the aunties no shade to any of the aunties one of my other friends, they knew who they are, um, and you know what. My sister, I feel like that's a good top five, solid people in a group chat like two friends cousin, aunt and my sister and then, what would your prefer if you were to start that chat?


okay what is going to be the topic that you talk about?


knowing me, it'd be like where we eating at. Let's talk about a show that's really good. I think me and you will share shows and like.


Yeah, because I've been watching everything now.


And it's like, but I will appreciate that. Like if it's a show, someone is like oh, this is the show, I like that. That would probably be the ideal of talking about a show or a movie or even a book of like you know, I think that one because it's like, it's just good conversation is a solid topic, and then you know if it goes into something else. That's cool, yeah, yeah, yeah, like um, what show was that? It's on netflix fool me.


Everybody's saying that's really good.


Girl, you got to watch it. I was highly satisfied so that was a plug to that show.


I have to check that out. All right, and then my final thing what was the last message that you sent in a group chat?


The last message. In the most recent group chat okay, I just said oh cool, congratulations it was the last. I don't respond a lot in the group and if I do, it's usually through a gift or gif for or a bitmoji.


Well, if there's anything else you want to plug in or say to the fam here, please, please say whatever you wish. Just keep the group chat civilized, that's all I ask.


That's all I ask.


Well, ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for listening to another episode of Take Me Out, the Group Chat. If you would like to hear more content from us, please make sure you follow. You can hear us on wherever podcasting service you listen to podcasts on. I am your host, Msdiiaa. This is Adub, and until next time, my friends, bye.

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